How to Spring Clean Your Home

How to Spring Clean Your Home
It’s that time of year again when early blooms are painting pastels throughout gardens, and songbirds are signaling their return. While nature is certainly ready to revitalize for the season ahead, you probably have your own ritual for spring in the form of cleaning. It can feel like an endless task to tackle without direction, so we have compiled a helpful how-to list to get you in the mood to clear out the mess.
Take Time to Declutter
While winter forces us to bundle up when heading out, you’ve probably also hunkered in your home with plenty of clutter. Whether you have a pile of clothes taking up the floor in your bedroom or a plethora of products taking up space in your medicine cabinet, decluttering is a great way to start spring cleaning. It’s easy to complete in a short amount of time and allows you to free up areas where you can do a deep clean later on.
Work to Reorganize
Even though you have decluttered a space, there is a chance it will not stay that way. Consider reorganizing the items you have kept so you can keep things tidy. Small containers, bowls or bags are a great way to keep everything in its place while still allowing you to find the items you need frequently. In addition, items you only use seasonally can be stored away in a more permanent location, freeing up more space.
Create a Schedule
Chances are you won’t be able to address all your spring cleaning in one day. It can feel discouraging, so have a plan to stay motivated by blocking out your free time to make cleaning your focus with minimal distractions. Try going room-by-room and deciding on the big and small jobs. Note things you routinely clean and anything that needs a bit more attention, and estimate how long each task will take.
Work from the Top to Bottom
While spring cleaning is a lot of decluttering and reorganizing, it’s also about using some elbow grease to deep clean spaces. Start at the top of a room, with ceiling fans, curtains, or bathroom tiles and wash them as needed. Next, move on to soft and hard surfaces that need a good dusting or wipe down. Finally, save all of the floor vacuumings or washings to last. This way, you know you have touched all the above surfaces that could drop down any dirt or dust, and you aren’t repeating tasks like sweeping more than you have to.
It’s a great time of year to embrace and brighten up your space with cleaning. There’s nothing like fresh air coming in from your windows and sitting down after a successful day in your freshly cleaned home. At CLV Group, we want all of our residents to feel like their suiteis a home to be proud of. Contact us to learn more about our high-quality communities.