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350 Mayfield
350 Mayfield, Ottawa, ON
À propos de cette propriété
Centrally located just east of Ottawa’s downtown core, 350 Mayfield offers a welcoming community for young professionals, families, students, and retirees alike. Residents seeking an active lifestyle will love living just steps from the breathtaking Rivierin Park and the Rideau Sports Centre. This community has it all, with the nearby Vanier Parkway offering a convenient way to commute to work or school.
This community offers both bachelor and large 1-bedroom suites with recently updated floors and kitchens, across a variety of floorplans. Book an in-person or virtual viewing with one of our Community Leasing Agents at 350 Mayfield today.
What's Nearby:
- OC Transpo
- Beachwood
- Rideau Sports Centre
- McDonald Gardens Park
- Loblaws
- Louis Pizza
- Tim Hortons
Venez faire un tour
Profitez de notre expérience de location sans contact où vous pouvez explorer, louer et emménager sans avoir à nous rencontrer en personne.
Voir nos circuitsDisponibilité 350 Mayfield
Information sur la communauté
Chauffage Inclus
Eau Incluse
Parking: $55/month
Mon-Fri: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Office located at: 485 Bank Street