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50 Selkirk
50 Selkirk, Ottawa, ON
À propos de cette propriété
50 Selkirk is a high-rise building located on the East side of the Rideau River. With many amenities in the area, community members balance a quieter lifestyle with sought-after urban convenience. You’ll be a short walk from restaurants, coffee shops and grocery stores. Not to mention a two-minute walk from Louis Pizza, Ottawa’s most famous pizza place.
This community offers both 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom apartments. Residents will enjoy a variety of building and suite upgrades including renovated floors, updated kitchens, and our newly modernized lobby. Contact us to book your virtual or in-person viewing with one of our Community Leasing Agents today.
What’s Nearby:
- OC Transpo
- Beachwood
- Rideau Sports Centre
- McDonald Gardens Park
- Loblaws
- Louis Pizza
- Tim Hortons
Venez faire un tour
Profitez de notre expérience de location sans contact où vous pouvez explorer, louer et emménager sans avoir à nous rencontrer en personne.
Voir nos circuitsDisponibilité 50 Selkirk
Information sur la communauté
Parking: $55 / month
Mon-Fri: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Office located at: 485 Bank Street